Functions Mindfuck or OM is an important practise during the faith Discordianism.

The definition of is created by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson during the Illuminatus! Trilogy. Its Patron Saint may be the Midget.


  • 1 Records
  • 2 Conflict Reigns
  • 3 Sponsor Saint
  • 4 Work
    • 4.1 Ongoing projects
    • 4.2 OMGASM projects
    • 4.3 achieved tasks
  • 5 swap companies
  • 6 Conjects
  • 7 additional hyperlinks

Historical Past

OM had been initially promoted by Ho Chi Zen, associated with the Erisian Liberation top, who’s going to be identical person not only one specific as Lord Omar Khayyam Ravenhurst, author of The Honest e-book of Truth. The guiding attitude is primarily proposed into the idea of activity and commercial habit by von Neumann and Morgenstern: specifically, that only tactic which an opponent cannot anticipate was a random technique. The cornerstone experienced already been set because later Malaclypse the Younger, K.S.C., when he proclaimed, “Most of us Discordians must all stick aside.” This extreme decentralization almost all Discordian businesses created an integral haphazard problem prior to procedure Mindfuck had been recommended. Even now, neither Ho Chi Zen on his own nor almost every Discordian apostle is aware undoubtably whos or perhaps is perhaps not taking part in any step of functions Mindfuck or exactly what techniques they’re or aren’t involved with with regard to that plan. Hence, the outsider was instantly jammed in a double-bind: one secure assumption usually nothing a Discordian will try for some reason involving OM, but, as this directs straight to paranoia, this may not be a “safer” presumption after all, in addition to the “risky” hypothesis that regardless of the Discordians are accomplishing are harmless might be “better” in the long run, possibly. Every aspect of OM comes after, or highlights, this double-bind.

Conflict Reigns

There certainly is a difference among Discordians on whether or not, through OM, they should attempt to enhance community, topple they, or claim that the practise is certainly exclusively for activity. Because a great deal of process Mindfuck it self involves hyperbole and exaggeration in regard to speaking about the Discordian world, it is difficult to ascertain the genuine size with the promotion, whether it be large or almost non-existent.

Within The Illuminatus! Trio, functions Mindfuck was epitomized by a protagonist known as Markoff Chaney, an anti-social dwarf just who embarks on refined useful joking, in a conscious make an attempt to bring dissension, as a protest against his mistreatment by society. One such ruse involves the forging of indicators which happen to be closed by “The Mgt.” (trusted individuals believe they are from “The control” instead of “the Midget”) which contain absurdities, and inserting the indications in store also institutions.

Sponsor Saint

The Midget ended up being known as the Discordian Saint of functioning Mindfuck. The character was actually influenced by Michael Arthur Quinn aka the overall game do well at of Florin.


There are many projects that c laim to be associated with Operation Mindfuck.

Constant tasks

  • Project Jake: “Promoted by Harold Lord Randomfactor. Maybe once or twice a-year, an open servant owning recognized themselves by much more than typical imbecility is chosen as desired for a Jake as well as Discordian cabals become notified.” The official becoming honored gets mail from all the cabals immediately on Jake night. The emails should be printed throughout the recognized letterhead of the from the cabals and request assist in “some confusing governmental procedure that moves all rational comprehension.” Possibly one particular wide-reaching Discordian Jake ended up being The Jake that Changed a World.
  • Toki Pona: A project which everyone can get involved in and in case taken to the significant may have a wide-reaching impact on humankind, the newly growing strategy to determine Toki Pona because the worldwide terms. One recommended technique is to boldly work with it in recognized companies and governmental configurations to say that its utilization is sales as always, while getting options which is designed to entice likely the most focus and outrage, instance finding reputable complaints to submit into UN. Lojban continues proposed as an interlang to be used as a dialectical antithesis, some discordian-funded healthy opponent becoming the fixed losers with the history.
  • Project Eagle: “Day-glo circulars are imprinted which appear the existing Eagle proclamation mentioning TOWARDS POLLS YE SONS OF CONVENIENCE. The newest, higher Discordian posters, however, get one slight statement modification, and talk about happily BURN ones POSITION YE SONS OF CHOICE. Such as the aged type, they are uploaded in outstanding sites on election week.”
  • Plan Pan-Pontification: This undertaking contains the delivery of “Pope cards” claiming every dude, girl, and youngster in the world as a Pope of Discord. POPE notes may received from Discordia attitude Retailer
  • Job Graffito (and Project Bumpersticker): “Anybody can engage by inventing a particularly Erisian motto and since it is actually provided broad delivery. Examples: the Police is Armed and life-threatening; Legalize Free-Enterprise Murder; Why Should Governments Have All the enjoyment?; break the federal government Postal dominance; If Voting Could change up the System, it will be Against the Law; etc.”
  • People Against drug use: “This planning boasts stylish letterheads and it is involved with a campaign of motivating Congressmen to outlaw catnip, draw treatment in which action merely appear if you like these to punctuation optional a drug which some youngsters happen to be smoking whenever cannabis was in shorter present.” The actual concept behind it is that considering that the government reduced a great deal of trustworthiness with its fighting on cannabis, a campaign to outlaw a “close, but further amusing supplement” can lead to a comprehensive reduction in religion in federal government.
  • Improv Wherever organizes people to complete specific, unconventional, and orchestrated strategies, instance functioning individual mirror each morning. The group, obviously, declines getting tangled up in OM.
  • The aggressive induction venture aims to get similar spirits and confused the others.


Complete work

  • Colbertgasm – your panels to enroll Mr. Colbert and Mr. Stewart into information societies which they would finest perk
  • MileyGASM – your panels to enroll Miley Ray Cyrus into Discordian ranks and admit getting a Discordian United states Princess

Switch titles

While many associated with the alternate labels for functioning Mindfuck tends to be labeled, unclassified sort integrate OM (which definitely seems to be an acronym) and Operation Mindfool (used by Shamlicht Kids Club).


By explanation, all plans of procedure Mindfuck are incorrect, such as this.